First-Gen Student Story

A first-generation college student is someone who is the first in their family to attend or graduate from a four-year university. This can include students whose parents or guardians did not earn a four-year bachelor’s degree or whose parents or guardians attended a trade school or community college. It can also include students whose siblings have graduated from a four-year university.

The UConn Stamford campus is looking for first-gen students who are able and willing to share their college journey, including their experiences with admission process, financial decisions, mentorship, and personal anecdotes about resilience and perseverance. These stories may be featured in university publications and media, specifically during First-Gen week. The deadline to submit a story for fall 2024 is September 10th.

First-Gen Student Story Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • 150 word limit
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.