Leaving UConn

Taking a break? Life happens and circumstances change. It is our job to help you transition out of and back into UConn, if you choose, as smoothly as possible.

Withdrawals and Cancellations

UConn has two categories in which students leave; Withdrawals or Cancellations.

Withdrawals - If the semester has begun

Once the semester has begun and you do not plan to finish the semester, an appointment is necessary. Please schedule an appointment with the Dean of Students Office at Storrs campus or the Office of Student Services at your regional campus, to begin the withdrawal process. When a student withdraws from UConn the date of notification is used to determine any potential adjustments to the tuition and fees based on the Tuition and Fee Withdrawal Adjustment schedule. During the first 8 weeks of a semester the adjustments are made on eligible tuition and fee charges, after the 8th week there are no financial adjustments.

You must complete the withdrawal process before you are removed from classes and, if applicable, see an adjustment to your fee bill. When your withdrawal is complete you will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive confirmation from the Dean of Students Office or the Office of Student Services, the process has not been completed. If there is any question, contact us to ensure you have successfully withdrawn from the University.

Cancellations - If the semester has not yet begun

If you are registered for classes that have not yet begun and no longer plan to attend next semester, you must cancel your registration using our online Cancellation Form. A cancellation is stopping a semester before it starts.  If you have questions or concerns about the cancellation process please drop in or make an appointment to see us.

  • To cancel spring semester classes, do so between November 1 and the day before your spring classes start.
  • To cancel fall semester classes, do so between April 1 and the day before your fall classes start.

If you do not cancel your registration before classes start, you may be responsible for all or part of that semester’s tuition and fees.

*If you are not registered for any classes on the 10th day of a semester, you will be automatically separated (canceled) from the University. To return, you must complete a Readmission Application by the posted deadline.

**Newly admitted first year and transfer students who wish to cancel prior to their first semester MUST email Admissions at beahusky@uconn.edu (do not use the form if you are a newly admitted first year or transfer student - email Admissions)** 

Cancellation Form

Leave of Absence


If you voluntarily separate from the University (withdraw or cancel), you may be eligible for a Leave of Absence (LOA). When a student withdraws or cancels their registration, they may be eligible for a medical, military, or personal “Leave of Absence” (LOA). The LOA guarantees their academic requirements will not change while they are away for no more than three semesters. To be eligible for an LOA a student must be in good academic standing and declare return term. To grant a LOA university staff may request supporting documentation.  Students on an LOA must still apply for readmission.

What to Consider if you Decide to Take a Break

When a student withdraws from UConn the date of notification (meeting date) is used to determine any potential adjustments to the tuition and fees based on the Tuition and Fee Withdrawal Adjustment schedule.

If you are eligible, your bill adjustment refund will be determined by the university’s Tuition and Fee Withdrawal Adjustment schedule.

To learn more about how a withdrawal could impact your federal financial aid, visit the Office of Student Financial Aid Services website.

Applying for Financial Aid and FAFSA

While you are away, remember that the university’s on-time deadline for Financial Aid is February 15 for the following academic year. It is easy to forget when you are taking a break from school.

If you do not submit your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by the university’s “on- time deadline”, your financial aid package could differ substantially from years when you met the deadline.

Degree Progress

If you take a break from the university, you may also have to adjust your intended graduation date. Consider reaching out to your academic advisor to see how your break will affect your degree progress.

Enrollment for Next Semester

Students are eligible to apply for Readmission if they withdraw prior to the 6th week of the semester. All students will need to submit a Readmission Application on or before the published deadlines. Students who withdraw after the end of the sixth week of a semester will not be allowed to return for the following semester.

International Students

Discuss with your ISSS advisor the implications of leaving the university will have on your Visa status. If you are unsure of who your ISSS advisor is, you can look them up.

Obtaining an Official Transcript

If you are transferring to another institution, you can order your transcript on-line. If you have any outstanding balances due to the university, your balance will need to be paid before a transcript can be ordered.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

If your withdrawal results in your having earned less than 67% of your attempted credits you may be cited for SAP. SAP is evaluated on a yearly basis.  If you have been cited for SAP, you must submit an appeal on time to keep your financial aid for the following semester. More information about SAP can be found on the Office of Student Financial Aid Services site.


Check the requirements of each individual scholarship you may have. If you have a departmental scholarship, contact the department that awarded the scholarship to see if you will be eligible for it in future semesters.

Student Housing

If you decide to leave the university, you can no longer live in university housing. You will have to pack up your personal belongings and return your key(s) to the appropriate Residential Life staff member. You will have 24-48 hours (about 2 days) to remove your belongings from campus.

Repayment of Student Loans

If you do not register at an accredited institution for more than 6 months your loans may enter repayment. Please review loan repayment options to ensure you are aware of your obligations.

Questions & Answers

Will I still have access to my UConn email account after I withdraw?

A student's email account will be accessible for 60 days from the date of withdrawal. After 60 days, the email account is no longer accessible.

Can I still work on campus if I withdraw from the semester?

No. If you are a student employee on the student labor or work study payroll, you must stop working and report the date your withdrawal was effective to your supervisor immediately. The date you are no longer enrolled will be on your confirmation email/paperwork.

If I withdraw, will I get any money back?

The Dean of Students Office at the Storrs campus and the Office of Student Services at your Regional campus, work with students wishing to withdraw. The day you schedule a meeting to withdraw from the semester will be considered your effective withdrawal date for the purpose of financial aid and determining the university’s refund schedule. To withdraw from UConn and receive a refund, if applicable, you must complete the withdrawal process and receive confirmation. In most cases, this will include a meeting with an Assistant Dean or Student Services representative. Review the Voluntary Separation Checklist.pdf.pdf.pdf for more information. In addition, speaking to a financial aid officer about your specific circumstances, is strongly recommended.

Will I still have financial aid when I return?

Financial aid eligibility is determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid Services. To be eligible for the maximum aid package, you must file your FAFSA by the university's on-time deadline. When you are readmitted, monitor your email for important notifications from the Office of Financial Aid Services.

If I go to community college, how do I get financial aid at that institution?

Replace UConn's school code with the new institution’s school code on your FAFSA. See, How do I add, change or delete a Federal School Code on my FAFSA form?

What will happen to my university health insurance if I withdraw?

Students should contact Student Health & Wellness (SHAW) to fully understand the impact withdrawing will have on their university insurance. SHAW can be reached via email at StudentHealth@uconn.edu or by calling them at 860-486-4700.

How long can I live on campus after I withdraw?

If you withdraw, you can no longer live-in university housing. You will be allowed 24-48 hours (about 2 days) to remove your belongings and return your key(s) to Residential Life.

If I withdraw, am I eligible to live on campus when I return?

Readmitted students may be able to live on campus, however they are not guaranteed university housing. If you wish to live on campus again, apply for housing but expect to be placed on a waiting list until students guaranteed housing have been assigned.

How do I withdraw from one class?

To withdraw from a class, you must submit an online form on the Office of the Registrar’s website. The form will be routed to your advisor for approval. Ideally, you should speak to your advisor before submitting the form.

How do I withdraw from more than one class and remain a UConn student?

To withdraw from more than one class submit the online form found on the Office of the Registrar’s website. The form will be routed to your advisor approval and proper Dean’s Designee. Ideally, you should meet with your advisor and possibly the Dean’s Designee, before submitting the form.

My parent/sibling/friend wants to attend my withdrawal meeting with me. Can they?

If you would like someone to attend a meeting with you, the Assistant Dean/Student Services representative you are meeting with will request the proper FERPA permissions.

If I withdraw from the semester, will I have all W’s on my transcript?

No, withdrawing from the semester means that you did not complete any of your classes. No classes, grades or credits will appear on your transcript. Instead, the following will appear on your transcript under the semester in question: “Withdrew effective (date of notification)”.

Will you tell my parent/sibling/friend that I am no longer enrolled at UConn?

University officials are bound by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and therefore, cannot speak to anyone about you without prior written consent. If you have granted a parent/sibling/friend a FERPA pin, no university official will proactively reach out and inform them of your decision. While the FERPA pin/waiver allows a university official to respond to inquiries or speak with a designee, it does not require them to do so.

Will you tell my parent/sibling/friend that I am no longer enrolled at UConn?

University officials are bound by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and therefore, cannot speak to anyone about you without prior written consent. If you have granted a parent/sibling/friend a FERPA pin, no university official will proactively reach out and inform them of your decision. While the FERPA pin/waiver allows a university official to respond to inquiries or speak with a designee, it does not require them to do so.

What is the deadline to withdraw from the semester?

University officials are bound by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and therefore, cannot speak to anyone about you without prior written consent. If you have granted a parent/sibling/friend a FERPA pin, no university official will proactively reach out and inform them of your decision. While the FERPA pin/waiver allows a university official to respond to inquiries or speak with a designee, it does not require them to do so.

If I am on scholastic probation, can I withdraw from the semester?

Yes, you can withdraw from the semester if you are on scholastic probation. When you are readmitted, you will be placed and remain on scholastic probation until you earn grades that return you to good standing. While on scholastic probation readmitted students must meet the requirements and conditions for students on scholastic warning or probation.

I want to return for the following semester, is this possible?

Your eligibility to return and when is dependent on several factors including the effective date of your withdrawal and your academic standing. You will discuss both at length with the Assistant Dean or Student Services representative in your withdrawal meeting.

If I withdraw from one campus, can I be readmitted to another?

You may request readmission to a different UConn campus however, if you withdrew from a regional campus before you earned the 54 credits needed to campus change to Storrs and you apply for readmission to Storrs, your application will be reassigned to your original regional campus. Both Storrs and regional campus students can be readmitted to the regional campus of their choice even when it differs from their original campus and if the campus supports the major requested.

What steps do I need to follow to return to the University?

To return to UConn after a break, you must apply for Readmission. To return in the fall you must apply for readmission by the July 1st deadline. To return in the spring you must apply for readmission by December 1st deadline, however the earlier you apply for readmission, the better. For more information visit Returning to UConn.

What are my “chances” of being readmitted?

Readmission is not like Admission. Students who voluntarily separate from the University while in good academic standing are generally readmitted. When you withdraw, the Assistant Dean or Student Services representative may go over requirements for readmission. When you apply for readmission, your application may be put on hold until any outstanding requirements are met (i.e., previous semester fee bills must be paid in full, immunization requirements, etc.)

I have several holds on my account, will this impact my ability to be readmitted?

Yes, certain holds will prevent your readmission. A bursar hold, the result of a past due balance, or an immunization hold will place your application in “pending” status until the issue is resolved and the hold is lifted.

I have one or more incomplete classes from this past semester, but I plan to take the next semester off (cancel). How will this affect my readmission?

If you are in good standing, incomplete grades will not affect your readmission. Students with incomplete course grades are encouraged to complete all course work as soon as possible if they are planning to return to the university the following semester or not. If you fail to complete the class(es) successfully and are later placed on scholastic probation, you must meet conditions for readmission to your program. Reach out to your academic advisor or Advising Center if you need clarification.

If I take courses at a local community college, how will I know if UConn will accept the transfer credits?

Visit UConn’s Transfer Course Equivalencies to determine how courses at other Connecticut institutions transfer back to UConn. Remember, you must earn a C or better for a class to transfer back to UConn.

I need my transcript to attend another institution, can you send it to me?

No, the Registrar’s Office is the only office that can share your official transcript with you or with others. Visit Transcripts on their website to learn more. You will find instructions on how to view and print your unofficial transcript in Student Admin.

Glossary of Terms


When a student knows they will not return for one or more semesters, they may choose to “Cancel” their registration. When a student requests a cancellation, they are removed from the classes for which they are registered. If a student is not registered for any classes on the 10th day of a semester, the university will “discontinue” a student for “failure to register”. A student must apply for readmission before they can register for classes in the future.

Class Withdrawal

After the 10th day of the semester, a class can no longer be “dropped” leaving no trace on a transcript however, a student may choose to withdraw from one or (possibly) more classes after the 10th day of classes. When a student withdraws from a class, they receive a W as the class grade, and it’s referred to as a “withdrawal”. The withdrawal has no effect of the semester or cumulative GPA. Students who receive financial aid should check with the Office of Student Financial Aid Services to determine if the course withdrawal will have an impact on financial aid eligibility.

Gap Year

A period, typically an academic year, taken by a student as a break between secondary school and higher education. Often students will use these terms interchangeably with the terms Leave of Absence/Cancellation or Withdrawal.

Leave of Absence

If you voluntarily separate from the University (withdraw or cancel), you may be eligible for a Leave of Absence (LOA). When a student withdraws or cancels their registration, they may be eligible for a medical, military, or personal “Leave of Absence” (LOA). The LOA guarantees their academic requirements will not change while they are away for no more than three semesters. To be eligible for an LOA a student must be in good academic standing and declare return term. To grant a LOA university staff may request supporting documentation.

Voluntary Separation

When a student chooses not to be registered for classes at the university or circumstances other than dismissal or graduation, dictate that they cannot register for classes, they are "Separated” from the university. This separation need not be permanent. In many cases, students plan to return to UConn and can by submitting a Readmission application.

Withdrawal (from the University)

Dropping all of one’s classes after they have begun but before final exams. Withdrawing from the University should not be confused with class withdrawal (see above). When you withdraw from the university, you do not finish the semester and your classes are removed entirely from your transcript. You will not receive W’s.

A student who withdraws from all their classes is no longer an active UConn student. To register for classes at any point in the future, students do not have to reapply to the University. Instead, they must submit a “Readmission Application”. The Readmission application is an online form processed by the Dean of Students Office or their designee on your Regional campus. The Readmission deadline is July 1 for fall and December 1 for spring consideration.

Leaving UConn Checklist

Review the Leaving UConn Checklist to learn more about the withdrawal/cancellation process and the potential financial implications of this decision.
Leaving UConn Checklist

Readmission Information

All students who separate from the University for any reason (including those on a leave of absence) must submit an online readmission application to return.

Readmission Information

Contact Us

Office of Student Services, Room 302 | 1 University Place, Stamford CT
Hours: Monday- Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm
Phone: (203) 251-8484 
Email: stamfordstudentservices@uconn.edu

Appointments: via Nexus or email stamfordstudentservices@uconn.edu